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Friday, 18 February 2011

Evaluation of Bhangra Music Magazine Front Cover

With the front cover of my magazine I had used existing Bhangra music magazine covers to give me an idea of what I need to consider on mine when I create it. The magazine that I used was Brit-Asian, this is a magazine which consists of magazine British and Asian artist interviews and life stories about their life and what they have been doing and what they plan to do in the future.

With my front cover I wanted to keep it simple and not too crowed with too much information, having too much information can put my intend audience (16-21 year old girls) off from reading the magazine as it would like unattractive to purchase. I kept the information on the cover minimal as possible and used a large image with two models. Using a large image draws quick attention to the audience, I also made the title of the magazine red, the colour red is eye catchy and is a sign of danger, this would attract the audience and may consider buying it.

I used a range of different fonts on my front cover, by using different font types had enabled my cover to look like an actual music magazine, all the colours that I used on my cover are all in similar tones; the blue I made the models wear bring attention to the page as the background of the image is a brown/black colour.

The layout of the page is very similar to the Brit Asian Magazine I evaluated previously; I intended to add a Punjabi touch by making the first letter of each word on my title a different font. By using a unique font makes the page look more effective.

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